Daniel Rivalin

USTR Announces 301 Tariff Exclusion Request Process | Global Fastener News

Companies requesting exemptions must demonstrate that the product is available only from China, that the tariff will cause severe economic harm and that the product is “strategically important.”(...) via USTR Announces 301 Tariff Exclusion ... [Read More]

SFS appoints new head of Riveting division | Torque-Expo

Urs Langenauer, current head of Automotive North America, is taking over management of SFS’ Riveting division. He will also become a member of the Group Executive Board of SFS Group AG, as of 1 July 2019.(...) via SFS appoints new head of ... [Read More]

Taiwan Fastener Export to USA in First 4 Months 2019 Grows 10.6% Compared to Last Year | Fastener World Inc.

Taiwan exported 57,139 tons of fasteners to the USA this April, up 8.33% from the corresponding period last year.(...) via Taiwan Fastener Export to USA in First 4 Months 2019 Grows 10.6% Compared to Last Year | Fastener World Inc. [Read More]

Monitoring system for blind rivets and rivet nuts | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Rivit Srl’s CONTROLRIV4.0 is a monitoring system for blind rivets and rivet nuts, which helps to plan different placing operations, monitor the process of the work, and easily and safely analyse the resulting data.(...) via Monitoring system for ... [Read More]

BRALO appoints Daniel Suárez CEO | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

BRALO has announced the appointment of Daniel Suárez as chief executive officer, with the appointment coming on the back of another strong year for the Spanish manufacturer.(...) via BRALO appoints Daniel Suárez CEO | Fastener + Fixing Magazine. [Read More]

6 Fastening and Hand Tools Related Manufacturers Awarded iF Design Award 2019 | Fastener World Inc.

The more than 60 years old iF design award has announced its winners for 2019.(...) via 6 Fastening and Hand Tools Related Manufacturers Awarded iF Design Award 2019 | Fastener World Inc. [Read More]

Taiwan Fastener Export to Europe Rebounds to a Positive Growth This April | Fastener World Inc.

Although Taiwan’s fastener export to the EU dropped in Q1 2019, it bounced back to a positive growth in April.(...) via Taiwan Fastener Export to Europe Rebounds to a Positive Growth This April | Fastener World Inc. [Read More]

China Fastener Exports Increase 3.2% during Jan.-Apr. | China Fastener Info

China fasteners exported increased 4.4% to 98,000 tons in the first four months of 2019 compared with the same period of last year while export value was up 3.2% to 1.97 billion USD.(...) via China Fastener Exports Increase 3.2% during Jan.-Apr.. [Read More]

Bulten – Bulten’s earnings for the second quarter negatively affected by approximately SEK 25 million due to lower production rate to adjust inventory levels

In connection with the ongoing compilation of Bultens AB (publ) report for the second quarter, it is obvious that the company's results deviate negatively from previous earnings levels.(...) via Bulten -. [Read More]

Lisi: cession de deux filiales aéronautiques réalisée | ABC Bourse

(CercleFinance.com) - Lisi Aerospace annonce avoir réalisé de façon définitive la cession d'Indraero Siren et Lisi Aerospace Creuzet Maroc, dont les activités principales sont la chaudronnerie et l'assemblage d'aérostructures, à un fond ... [Read More]