Better fastening & assembly leads to better products, more profit in the North | Industry Today

Article by · 2012/03/20 ·

Discover how better fastening and assembly practices can lead to better products and more profit at the FAST & IASE Exhibitions, 26th April 2012, Harrogate.Posted via Industry Today. Are you into it? Follow us on Twitter @IndustryToday More and more UK manufacturing companies are discovering that better fastening and assembly practices bring higher profits, fewer warranty claims, more sales and better reputations. One of the primary places they have been discovering how to put things together better is at the FAST & IASE Exhibitions, the UK’s only dedicated events of their type.The FAST Exhibition features a glittering portfolio of leading suppliers in the field of mechanical fastening and assembly for engineering and industrial use, and the IASE Exhibition does likewise in the extensive arena of industrial and engineering bonding and sealing. (…)

via Better fastening & assembly leads to better products, more profit in the North.