
Ensuring satisfied customers | Fastener+Fixing

08-Aug-2016 Through the astute use of the latest equipment and technology, as well as a unrelenting commitment to its customers, F. REYHER Nchfg GmbH & Co KG is able to provide a comprehensive range of products and a complete service to ... [Read More]

Remscheid: Großauftrag für Remscheider Lebenshilfe in Wuppertal | RP Online

Remscheid. Bei WASI werden Blätter aus 7000 Ordnern enttackert. Ein großer Außenauftrag bei der Firma WASI führt die Lebenshilfe Remscheid im Juli und August auf das Gelände der in Wuppertal ansässigen Großhändler für Verbindungselemente... [Read More]

Vogelsänger-Studios erhalten Preis für Image-Film über Böllhoff | Lage –

Der Geschäftsführer: „Familienunternehmen sprechen die gleiche Sprache“Martin Hostert am 04.08.2016 um 09:30 Uhr 0Artikel empfehlen 0Schlagwörter:VogelsängerBöllhoffWorldMediaAward Jan-Merlin Friedrich wird regelmäßig für Vogelsänger-... [Read More]

EuroBLECH 2016 reflects trend towards smart manufacturing | Fastener+Fixing

03-Aug-2016 From 25th — 29th October, EuroBLECH 2016, the 24th international sheet metal working technology exhibition, will open its doors in Hanover, Germany. The exhibition will, once again, be the meeting place for sheet metal working ... [Read More]

Jungheinrich AG wurde mit Intralogistik beauftragt. – Logistikimmobilien: Hewi investiert 15 Millionen Euro in Spaichingen | Logistik-Nachrichten / Logistik-News | Markt-News | Intralogistik,Logistikimmobilien,Standortplanung,Jungheinrich AG | LOGISTIK HEUTE – das deutsche Logistikmagazin

Jungheinrich AG wurde mit Intralogistik beauftragt. Jungheinrich realisiert für Hewi G. Winker ein neues Logistikzentrum mit Hochregallager. | Foto: Jungheinrich Im Herbst 2017 soll das neue Werk 2 der Hewi G. Winker GmbH & Co. KG, ... [Read More]

NORMA Group awarded Platinum Supplier Status by General Motors | Fastener+Fixing

02-Aug-2016 NORMA Group has received Platinum Supplier Status 2015 from General Motors for its site in Pilica, Poland. The US automaker presents this award to its suppliers for their outstanding performance and thus recognises NORMA Group for its ... [Read More]

NORMA Group connects lines | Fastener+Fixing Technology

29-Jul-2016 NORMA Group recently supplied the joining technology for the construction of the new Gotthard Base Tunnel – officially inaugurated on 1st June 2016 – which is the longest rail tunnel in the world at around 57km in length (...) ... [Read More]

European fastener market insight: Germany | Fastener+Fixing

28-Jul-2016 Keller & Kalmbach GmbH & Co KG Dr Florian Seidl, managing director If we have a look at the German market for fastener distributors – especially those who are serving commercial users during the last 10 years – we can ... [Read More]

German quality renowned around the world | Fastener + Fixing

Fastener + Fixing Magazine last visited WAFIOS Umformtechnik GmbH in 2012, just as Sven Nieper became chief executive officer at the specialist in fastener manufacturing technology. Editor Will Lowry visited the company’s headquarters in ... [Read More]

UIP reacts to differing challenges | Fastener+Fixing

07-Jul-2016 German manufacturer UIP GmbH & Co KG has expanded its chemical adhesive range to include several new features, enabling customers in the most remote corners of the world to use premium fastening technology. (...) via UIP reacts ... [Read More]