
Investing in innovation | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Through its focus on developing and improving its product range, with the introduction of mostly patented innovative fastening systems, Specialinsert Srl has become a global supplier to over 82 countries around the world.(...) via Investing in ... [Read More]

Excellence in quality control | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Founded in 1988 VISION Srl is committed to the design, building, installation and maintenance of a variety of machinery and equipment that guarantees quality control and ensures zero waste production.(...) via Excellence in quality control | ... [Read More]

Indutrade acquires Holland Fasteners | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Indutrade AB, a Swedish international industrial group, has acquired all shares in the Dutch company Holland Fasteners B.V, with the company to be included in Indutrade’s business area – Benelux.(...) via Indutrade acquires Holland Fasteners | ... [Read More]

Advanced Engineering postponed | Fastener + Fixing Technology

Easyfairs has announced that its Advanced Engineering 2020 event, which was due to take place on 4th – 5th November 2020 at the NEC, Birmingham, has been postponed to take place on 3rd – 4th November 2021.(...) via Advanced Engineering postpo... [Read More]

Continuity and innovation for Fast Trade | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Set-up in March 2020 just as the Covid-19 pandemic hit Italy, Fast Trade is an online fastener solution provider for the EMEA market. The platform was established as part of Fontana Gruppo, based on consolidated experience from Fontana Fasteners.(... [Read More]

Ukraine Made a Definitive Anti-dumping Duties Determination on Certain Chinese Steel Fasteners – Fastener World Inc.

Ukraine announced on September 26 a definitive affirmative determination to impose anti-dumping duties on certain steel fasteners originating in China starting September 29, based on the final decision stated in document AD-465/2020/4411-03.(...)... [Read More]

Arkema to acquire Fixatti | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

To reinforce its high performance thermobonding adhesives business, Arkema has announced the proposed acquisition of Fixatti N.V, a Belgium-based company specialised in high performance thermobonding adhesive powders.(...) via Arkema to acquire ... [Read More]

Facing the ‘new normal’ | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Up until the beginning of 2020, Carlo Salvi SpA was focused on its effort to strengthen its global sales network, as well as continuing to benefit from its partnership with Hatebur. The company was poised and ready to launch its latest technology at ... [Read More]

Fastening technology building bridges within light steel framing – Building Products

EJOT UK’s decision to join the Light Steel Framing Association (LSFA) will help unlock the potential for greater development and application of rapidly emerging technology given its cross-sector experience in fastening systems and its engineering ... [Read More]

La direction de Lisi-Aerospace annonce la suppression de 197 emplois | Le Républicain

Cette nouvelle a été annoncée par la direction au CSE (Comité social et économique) , instance représentative du personnel, au cours d’une réunion ce jeudi 24 septembre 2020.(...) via Lot-et-Garonne. La direction de Lisi-Aerospace annonce ... [Read More]