
Lederer switches to green electricity | Torque-Expo

Lederer GmbH has been using 100% green electricity since January 2020.(...) via Lederer switches to green electricity. [Read More]

SFS Board proposes election of Manuela Suter | Torque-Expo

The Board of Directors of SFS Group AG has proposed the election of Manuela Suter at the group’s Annual General Meeting on 22 April 2021.(...) via SFS Board proposes election of Manuela Suter. [Read More]

A.S.F Fischer takes over QlinQ® | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

A.S.F Fischer B.V – a large-scale fastener importer, wholesaler and concept developer based in the Netherlands – has taken over the hardware brand QlinQ®.(...) via A.S.F Fischer takes over QlinQ® | Fastener + Fixing Magazine. [Read More]

Bulten acquires minority post in TensionCam Systems AB | Bulten

2020-06-26 Press releaseBulten has today acquired newly issued shares in TensionCam Systems AB for a purchase price of SEK 6 million. After the acquisition, Bulten becomes the owner of 27% of TensionCam's shares. Thus, Bulten and TensionCam will ... [Read More]

Latest EU Fastener Trade Statistics for 2019 | Fastener World Inc.

Read this article by following the link Below. via Latest EU Fastener Trade Statistics for 2019 | Fastener World Inc.   [Read More]

Böllhoff relies on optimised shipping from inconso | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Böllhoff Group has started productive operations at its new logistics location in Oelsnitz, Germany, with inconsoSDS (shipping and dispatch system) and inconsoTMS (transport management system) from inconso AG, playing a key role in the large ... [Read More]

Free travel in Amsterdam with innovative fastening technology | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

The longest and second widest land tunnel in the Netherlands is currently under construction in Amsterdam – helping reduce noise and air pollution for local residents. Over 1.7 million fischer nail anchors, FNA II in stainless steel (A4), have ... [Read More]

GRASS 3.0 | Fastener + Fixing Technology

FastFixTechnology last visited GRASS Befestigungstechnik in 2017 when the business was still in the early stages of a restructuring process. Editor Will Lowry therefore once again visited the company’s production site in Hagen, Germany, to see ... [Read More]

fischer triumphs in 5 categories at the German Brand Award 2020 | Torque-Expo

fischer group has won five categories in the German Brand Award 2020, winning gold in the social media discipline.(...) via fischer triumphs in 5 categories at the German Brand Award 2020. [Read More]

Aéronautique. Gillis Aerospace navigue (toujours) dans le brouillard – ToulÉco

Serge Dumas, le patron de Gillis Aerospace, le spécialiste de la production de fixations installé dans le Tarn-et-Garonne, mise sur des dispositifs de perfusion de l’économie proposés par l’État pour relancer l’activité.(...) via ... [Read More]