
TriMas – TriMas Aerospace Expands European Footprint

BLOOMFIELD HILLS, Michigan, June 10, 2020 – TriMas (NASDAQ: TRS) today announced that TriMas Aerospace has formed a strategic partnership with Kuehne+Nagel to establish a European logistics hub in Contern, Luxembourg. This expansion was driven by ... [Read More]

“La relance éco” : les sous-traitants poitevins de l’aéronautique prudents après les annonces du gouvernement | France Bleu

Les sous-traitants poitevins qui travaillent dans le secteur aéronautique restent dubitatifs après les annonces du gouvernement, mardi 9 juin. Ils craignent que l'enveloppe de 15 milliards d'euros soit principalement distribuée aux grosses ... [Read More]

Böllhoff Group Annual Report 2019 | Böllhoff

Find out more about the latest generation of the HELICOIL® thread insert, the history of the Böllhoff sites in Leipzig and Sonnewalde, and successful customer projects that we have implemented in cooperation with Julabo, Jungheinrich, kessler ... [Read More]

In memory of Robert H. Lench | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

A personal tribute from Marco Guerritore, editor-in-chief of Italian Fasteners Magazine, on the death of Robert H. Lench who passed away on 22nd January 2020 at the age of 89 years.(...) via In memory of Robert H. Lench | Fastener + Fixing Magazine. [Read More]

Debut Hannover Messe Digital Days to tackle lockdown recovery | Torque-Expo

Hannover Messe Digital Days will premiere this July, tackling digitalisation, climate protection and demographic change across the two days of the digital event.(...) via Debut Hannover Messe Digital Days to tackle lockdown recovery. [Read More]

The experts in blind riveting | Fastener + Fixing Technology

Based in Keighley, UK, GESIPA UK was first established as a subsidiary for German-based GESIPA Group in 1971. Today it is the Group’s centre of excellence for threaded fasteners, and structural rivets, and is constantly looking to increase ... [Read More]

Agrati Group | AGRATI è DIGITAL STAR 2020

AGRATI SpA è tra i 350 vincitori dello studio DIGITAL STARS 2020 che premia le aziende più innovative in ltalia in ambito digitale.(...) via Agrati Group | AGRATI è DIGITAL STAR 2020. [Read More]

Böllhoff Group Annual Report 2019 Facts and figures | Böllhoff

We have been creating successful joins – for 143 years running. We are driven by our passion for successful joining; and we are excited to share this passion with you in our Annual Report 2019. (...) via Facts and figures | Böllhoff. [Read More]

Fastener Fair Italy 11-12 November 2020 | Fiera Milano City | Fasten it

Fastener Fair Italy is the international exhibition covering all the aspects of the fastener and fixing industry, which presents specialist companies in the aerospace, automotive and railway industry, among other numerous sectors.(...) via Fastener ... [Read More]

CLC publishes recovery roadmap to ‘restart, reset + reinvent’ construction sector | Torque-Expo

The Construction Leadership Council (CLC) has laid out proposals to secure the future of construction businesses throughout the UK.(...) via CLC publishes recovery roadmap to 'restart, reset + reinvent' construction sector. [Read More]