
Torqx Capital Partners acquires Fabory from W.W. Grainger | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Torqx Capital Partners, a Dutch private equity company has announced that it has acquired Fabory Group, European supplier of quality fastener solutions and industrial products from Fabory’s parent company W.W. Grainger Inc.(...) via Torqx Capital ... [Read More]

GRASS 3.0 | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Fastener + Fixing Magazine last visited GRASS Befestigungstechnik in 2017 when the business was still in the early stages of a restructuring process. Editor Will Lowry therefore once again visited the company’s production site in Hagen, Germany, ... [Read More]

LISI : AUTOMOTIVE, filiale du Groupe LISI, poursuit sa stratégie de recentrage avec la cession de sa filiale allemande LISI AUTOMOTIVE Mohr + Friedrich GmbH | Zone bourse

Le Groupe LISI (Euronext Paris ISIN code FR0000050353 - FII) annonce la signature d'un accord avec la société allemande ZerobaseInvest Holding GmbH portant sur la cession de 100 % des actions de sa filiale allemande LISI AUTOMOTIVE Mohr + Friedr... [Read More]

How Bodycote became the largest global provider of thermal processing services | Fastener Engineering

A family-made business, Bodycote plc, was initially founded in a small, England market town in the early 1920s. Chances are the original owner, Arthur Bodycote, never expected the company to grow from a simple textile business to a global provider ... [Read More]

From distributor to service provider | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

In 2020 Lederer GmbH celebrates its 50th anniversary – having established itself as one of the market leaders for stainless steel fasteners and standard parts, special parts by drawing, as well as efficient C-parts management.(...à via From ... [Read More]

Bespoke tension system components | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Brooks Forgings Ltd specialises in the production of non-standard components not readily available ‘off the shelf’. The UK-based company is heavily involved in the construction industry and often offers bespoke solutions, including in a recent ... [Read More]

Agrati Group | The Joint Research Center MATT – Metal And Transformation Technologies is born in Lecco

May 28th 2020 – An agreement was signed last April for the creation of the JRC MATT – Metal And Transformation Technologies, a shared research centre between Politecnico di Milano, A. Agrati S.p.A., Growermetal S.r.l., Mario Frigerio S.p.A. e ... [Read More]

Room for medical innovation | Fastener + Fixing Technology

Multiple construction projects are currently being implemented at Tübingen University Hospital, in Germany, including the installation of cooling pipes using fischer’s massive channel system FMS.(...) via Room for medical innovation | Fastener + ... [Read More]

INDEX®’s wide range of anchors | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Spanish manufacturer and distributor of fixing systems, INDEX®, offers a wide range of anchors for heavy loads, which allow structural fixing in cracked and non-cracked concrete and/or masonry of solid stone.(...) via INDEX®’s wide range of ... [Read More]

TR Fastenings – keeping it local | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

For over 45 years TR Fastenings’ UK manufacturing plant in East Sussex has produced millions of products, including its own highly regarded Hank® brand.(...) via TR Fastenings – keeping it local | Fastener + Fixing Magazine. [Read More]