
EFDA celebrates 20th anniversary | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

The European Fastener Distributors Association (EFDA) celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2020. Editor Will Lowry therefore went to Germany to meet Volker Lederer, president of EFDA, to discuss how the association has developed over the last twenty ... [Read More]

Hatebur celebrates 90 years of history | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

In 2020, the Swiss metal forming expert Hatebur will celebrate its unique history of 90 years, which is full of technological breakthroughs and innovations.(...) via Hatebur celebrates 90 years of history | Fastener + Fixing Magazine. [Read More]

A la peine l’année dernière, SFS a été sauvé par un effet fiscal – Bilan

Le fabricant d'éléments de construction et de dispositifs de fixation métalliques SFS a quelque peu souffert au niveau de la rentabilité en 2019, en raison notamment de l'évolution mitigée des recettes. Un effet fiscal a néanmoins permis au ... [Read More]

3D printing opens up new potential | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Würth Industrie Service is able to offer a wide range of the most diverse technologies, including additive manufacturing processes – specifically geared towards machinery and plant engineering.(...) via 3D printing opens up new potential | ... [Read More]

What’s new in rivets and rivet tools? | Torque-Expo

Gesipa Gesipa has developed its new blind rivet PolyBulb® with special geometric features suited to joining particularly sensitive, porous and pressure-sensitive materials. The PolyBulb has proven particularly successful in the automotive ... [Read More]

New date for wire® and Tube® | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Messe Düsseldorf has announced the wire® and Tube® shows will now take place from 7th – 11th December, after being postponed due to the Coronavirus: Covid-19.(...) via New date for wire® and Tube® | Fastener + Fixing Magazine. [Read More]

Fastener manufacturer cuts energy use in half in attempt to reduce emissions | Fastener Engineering

Here’s an accomplishment worth striving for — a Swedish manufacturer of high-strength stainless steel fasteners, BUMAX, has reduced the energy it uses for heating and electricity at its Åshammar facility by over 50 percent since 2011. The aim ... [Read More]

Rivit meets different market needs with stainless steel | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Specialising in the production and distribution of fastening systems, Rivit Srl is able to offer a comprehensive range of products to satisfy the most demanding customers.(...) via Rivit meets different market needs with stainless steel | Fastener ... [Read More]

Results 2019 | Bossard

The Bossard Group once again posted solid results in the 2019 financial year: In a difficult market environment, sales rose by 0.6 percent to a new high of CHF 876.2 million (in local currency: +1.9 percent).(...) via Results 2019 | Bossard. [Read More]

LIGNOLOC® wins 2020 German design award | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

LIGNOLOC® – the collated wood nail – developed by Austrian company Raimund BECK KG, was selected as the winner in the category ‘Excellent Product Design – Workshop and Tools’ by the German Design Council. The award ceremony will take ... [Read More]