
L’entreprise Agrati à Vieux Condé | Actu Orange

L'entreprise Agrati à Vieux Condé en vidéo disponible.(...) via L'entreprise Agrati à Vieux Condé. [Read More]

Nedschroef Beckingen celebrates 150 years of success | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Nedschroef Beckingen, an affiliate of the leading Dutch automotive supplier Nedschroef, celebrated its 150th anniversary in September. Founded in 1869 as a factory for small hardware in Beckingen, Nedschroef Beckingen is now a recognised manufactu... [Read More]

Max Mothes the manufacturer | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2018, Max Mothes has a long and proud history as a leading distributor within the fastener industry. However, since 2012 the company has changed its focus to become a manufacturer of high performance technology... [Read More]

Famous failures series: Part 2 – hydrogen embrittlement | Fastener + Fixing Technology

The march of time thrusts forward and in doing so there is continual development of product standards and manufacturing processes. Quite simply, the construction industry demands more performance from products today than was ever done before – at ... [Read More]

Investments: New logistics centre opened in France | Böllhoff

In September 2019, the Böllhoff Group opened a new logistics centre in the Alpespace industrial estate in Sainte‑Hélène‑du‑Lac, France.(...) via Investments: New logistics centre opened in France | Böllhoff. [Read More]

90 years of precision and growth | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

For almost a century, the name HONSEL has been a fixed term in the fastening industry for high-quality, innovative fasteners and processing solutions ‘Made in Germany’.(...) via 90 years of precision and growth | Fastener + Fixing Magazine. [Read More]

Pan head screws with 6-lobe | Fastener + Fixing Technology

22 November 2019 Made of natural nylon, this new range from Bülte is available from M4 to M8, with lengths from 6mm to 60mm depending on the diameter. These screws are used when a wider bearing surface or smoother, more finished appearance is ... [Read More]

The ‘Mittelstand’ success story | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

By Dr Axel Hunsche, managing director at TesT GmbH Strategically positioned at the heart of Europe, Germany is the fourth largest economy in the world – with machinery as one of its strongest exporting sectors, setting quality standards ... [Read More]

Embellie chez Agrati après des années de galère | La Voix du Nord

L’usine de vis Agrati de Vieux-Condé, dans le Valenciennois, était dans la tourmente après la crise de 2008. Reprise par un groupe italien en 2010, elle vient de démarcher quelques nouveaux clients en Allemagne et au Japon. Des signaux ... [Read More]

LISI Aerospace growth offsets continued automotive challenges | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

LISI Group reported consolidated sales of €1.3 billion for the first nine months of 2019 – an increase of +6.3% compared with the same period in 2018. At constant scope and exchange rates, sales increased +3.9%.(...) via LISI Aerospace growth ... [Read More]