
Deutscher Schraubenverband e.v | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Dr Beyer has worked within the fastener industry for over 35 years and has been the general manager of Deutscher Schraubenverband (German Fastener Association) since 2010. Editor Will Lowry visited DSV’s headquarters in Hagen, Germany, to find out ... [Read More]

Mixed impressions from first UK Fastener Expo | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Prysm Group launched its first Fastener Exhibition & Conference at the Birmingham National Exhibition Centre on 11th – 12th September. Pre-show promotion was exuberant, the reality didn’t really live up to it. Some exhibitors came away ... [Read More]

The FASTENER POLAND® Trade Fair as a Mirror of the Industry | Fastener World Inc.

The International Trade Fair for Fastener and Fixing Technology FASTENER POLAND® is worth waiting for all year.(...) via The FASTENER POLAND® Trade Fair as a Mirror of the Industry | Fastener World Inc. [Read More]

British Steel to be sold to Jingye Group | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

The Official Receiver confirmed that a sales contract has been entered into with Jingye Steel (UK) Ltd and Jingye Holding Ltd to acquire the business and assets of British Steel Limited.(...) via British Steel to be sold to Jingye Group | Fastener ... [Read More]

[Made in France] “La productivité française est une des meilleures au monde”, pour le PDG d’ARaymond – L’Usine Nouvelle

Alors que s'ouvre le salon du Made in France, MIF Expo, rencontre avec ARaymond, leader mondial des fixations et d’assemblage, notamment dans le secteur automobile. Née il y a 154 ans, cette ETI emploie un millier de salariés en France, dans ... [Read More]

Agrati, fleuron de l’industrie de l’Avant-Pays Savoyard – YouTube – 8 Mont-Blanc

Suite et fin de notre série de la semaine consacrée à l’Avant-Pays Savoyard. Après un viticulteur et une couturière, place à l’entreprise Agrati spécialisée dans la visserie pour automobiles.(...) via Agrati, fleuron de l'industrie de ... [Read More]

NORMA YTD sales up but organic growth down | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

NORMA Group reported sales for the period January to September 2019 increased 2.6% to €838.6 million. However, organic sales declined -1.6% in the period.(...) via NORMA YTD sales up but organic growth down | Fastener + Fixing Magazine. [Read More]

WDS meets the standards of UK aerospace industry | Fastener + Fixing Technology

The aerospace industry is renowned for its focus on excellence. As such its suppliers must meet exacting quality standards and strict cost targets, while also ensuring adherence to strict delivery schedules. Here, Darren Gilligan, an aerospace ... [Read More]


Agrati announces that since October 18, 2019 has been established Agrati Japan Limited, a limited liability company under Japanese law (Godo Kaisha) based in Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa.(...) via Agrati Group | AGRATI GROUP ENTERS THE JAPANESE MARKET. [Read More]

TIMco announces partnership with local wildlife organisation | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

TIMco is supporting its local community by partnering with Bees In Our Community – a bee conservation organisation based in Northwich and operating throughout Cheshire, UK. The partnership is part of the company’s strategy to build a sustainable ... [Read More]