Dear Emerald Expositions, –

Congratulations on your recent acquisition of the National Industrial Fastener & Mill Supply Expo. Please don’t be offended if we affectionately refer to your new acquisition as “The Vegas Show” as it’s just an old habit we developed ... [Read More]

Bravo! Diplomatic success, long tenure and more – The Orange County Register

Santiago Canyon College’s Model United Nations team won nine awards at the National Model United Nations Conference held recently in Washington, D.C. Model UN is meant to simulate the United Nations’ General Assembly and Security Council, ... [Read More]

QBM joins sister company SFS intec in newly refurbished premises | Roofing Cladding & Insulation Magazine (RCI)

QBM, the manufacturer of Soter Horizontal Safety Line Systems and the Titan Tri-Bar Space Bar System, has recently moved from its previous location in Batley, West Yorkshire to central Leeds. The aim of the relocation has been to allow QBM to ... [Read More]

Elgin Fastener Group Names New VP Of Sales & Marketing – Inddist

Elgin Fastener Group has announced the recent transition of Pete Chojnacki to the position of Vice President of Sales & Marketing. In his new role, Chojnacki will contribute significantly to the company’s ongoing plans for growth and ... [Read More]

Boeing begins careful launch of first robot assembly on Everett 777 line – Puget Sound Business Journal

Since September, Boeing (NYSE: BA) workers have been drilling and fastening some fuselages using what the company calls the Fuselage Automated Upright Build system, or FAUB, Boeing spokeswoman Elizabeth Fischtziur confirmed Tuesday. (...) ... [Read More]

VIDEO: Could Tape Replace Conventional Fastening Techniques? >

Duct tape has a running gag of being the miracle fix-it tool, but with a fail point of around 30 psi, it doesn’t quite hold up to its industrial cousin – 3M VHB (Very High Bond) tape. (...) via VIDEO: Could Tape Replace Conventional Fasten... [Read More]

Barton acquisition – the backstory | Fastener+Fixing

Four months after its metamorphosis from an Anixter division to a standalone, independent business within the AIP portfolio, Optimas OE Solutions has acquired a UK-based manufacturer of bespoke critical fasteners and special cold forgings. Phil ... [Read More]

SD Products expands its range | Fastener+Fixing

SD Products Limited has added several new lines of marine and fabric fasteners to its expanding catalogue, enabling it to offer easy to use products at low prices. (...) via SD Products expands its range. [Read More]

Will Force You to Innovate? – Global Fastener News – USA

Online retail giant Inc. has been innovating for the past 20 years. And some analysts think that's just the beginning for the largest e-commerce business in the U.S. (...) via Will Force You to Innovate? - Global Fastener ... [Read More]

The benefits of lockbolts | Fastener+Fixing Technology

Alcoa Fastening Systems and Rings (AFSR), a business unit of Alcoa - a global leader in lightweight metals technology, engineering and manufacturing, has a long history of providing innovative solutions for critical applications for all industries. ... [Read More]