Global Media Source

Une entreprise de Sablé-sur-Sarthe fait un don de 800 masques | Ouest France

Alors que la pénurie de matériel se fait douloureusement sentir en France, la société BVS (Boulonnerie Visserie de Sablé) a fait, localement, un don de 800 masques FFP2.(...) via Coronavirus. Une entreprise de Sablé-sur-Sarthe fait un don de ... [Read More]

Lisi Automotive adapte son activité aux effectifs présents | L’Est Républicain

Certains salariés du site sont à l’arrêt pour cause de coronavirus. L’équipementier automobile maintient l’activité mais réduit le rythme de travail. Au sein du groupe, des mesures de fermeture temporaire sont envisagées.(...) via ... [Read More]

Businesses should be conservative in all measures, advises Zago CEO | Torque-Expo

Zago CEO Gail Friedberg Rottenstrich has advised businesses will have to find a balance between protecting health and keeping things running amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.(...) via Businesses should be conservative in all measures, advises ... [Read More]

Makita USA adds bits and fastening accessories to offering | Torque-Expo

Makita USA has launched a line of bits and fastening accessories, designed to handle the high-torque demands of professional users in all trades.(...) via Makita USA adds bits and fastening accessories to offering. [Read More]

No big coronavirus impact on Travis Perkins trading so far | Torque-Expo

Placing the Wickes demerger on hold is among the measures Travis Perkins is implementing in the face of coronavirus.(...) via No big coronavirus impact on Travis Perkins trading so far. [Read More]

Subcon, Engineer Expo + Manufacturing Management Show postponed to September | Torque-Expo

MA Exhibitions, which owns and runs Subcon, The Engineer Expo, and the Manufacturing Management Show, has announced the event will be rescheduled to September.(...) via Subcon, Engineer Expo + Manufacturing Management Show postponed to September. [Read More]

Hexagon bolts, pgb-Europe & workwear in Torque’s March mag | Torque-Expo

Torque’s March digital magazine has been sent out to subscribers and is now available to read online.(...) via Hexagon bolts, pgb-Europe & workwear in Torque's March mag. [Read More]

Coronavirus: il gruppo Agrati sospende la produzione | Siderweb

Coronavirus: il gruppo Agrati sospende la produzione(...) via Coronavirus: il gruppo Agrati sospende la produzione | Siderweb - La community dell'acciaio. [Read More]

Coronavirus: Upiveb chiede normativa europea | Siderweb

Le società aderenti ad Upiveb (Unione Produttori Italiani Viteria e Bulloneria), che complessivamente hanno fatto registrare un fatturato che supera il miliardo e mezzo di euro e i 4.500 dipendenti diretti, «stanno pensando di chiudere i loro ... [Read More]

SFS adds deep drawing manufacturing capacity with T&M acquisition | Torque-Expo

SFS has added deep drawing to its existing manufacturing and development platforms in North America through the acquisition of Truelove & Maclean (T&M).(...) via SFS adds deep drawing manufacturing capacity with T&M acquisition. [Read More]