Company Info

Company Info

The new Boysen Aerospace Website is online | Bossard

Boysen Aerospace joined the Bossard Group in 2019 and is a distributor for fastening products and services in the aerospace industry.(...) via The new Boysen Aerospace Website is online | Bossard. [Read More]

Better Prospect for Sheh Fung Screws in H1 2021 Due to Strong Fastener Demand in the U.S. – Fastener World Inc.

Measures against the pandemic has driven growth in the American DIY market in 2020, and the same goes with Sheh Fung's order intake and shipment.(...) via Better Prospect for Sheh Fung Screws in H1 2021 Due to Strong Fastener Demand in the U.S.-F... [Read More]

Rail News – FRA, RailTEC investigate crosstie spike fastener failures

The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has published the results of an investigation into timber crosstie spike fastener failures on North American railroads.(...) via Rail News - FRA, RailTEC investigate crosstie spike fastener failures. For ... [Read More]

Fontana Gruppo, l’eccellenza riconosciuta dai clienti – Prima Chivasso

Qualificarsi come il protagonista mondiale del settore dei fasteners, offrendo un servizio attento, flessibile e in grado di dare risposte precise a ogni bisogno e in qualunque fase dell’attività ai propri clienti.(...) via Fontana Gruppo, ... [Read More]

Securing the future of green energy | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

The growth of renewable energy is driven mainly by two resources – sun and wind. Other forms play a role in specific regions but tend to be more complex, less standardised, offer lower economies of scale and require larger investments to harness... [Read More]

Würth Industry North America Announces Division Change | Press Release

Würth Industry North America (WINA), Indianapolis, Indiana, announced that Würth Action Bolt and Tool, a 36-year-old distributor of construction and industrial fasteners, will join its new construction services division, Würth Construction ... [Read More]

Wickes and Toolstation report continued ‘strong demand for DIY’ | Torque-Expo

Continued demand in the DIY market has buoyed sales for Wickes and Toolstation owner Travis Perkins in October and November 2020.(...) via Wickes and Toolstation report continued 'strong demand for DIY'. [Read More]

Excellence in quality control | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Inspection, measurement and quality control processes are inseparable parts of the fastener production process. Quality reassures the market and gives manufacturers the advantage in competitive sectors.(...) via Excellence in quality control | ... [Read More]

Screwerk: Availability for screws 2.0 | Torque-Expo

C-PARTS, LOGISTICS & KANBAN: How Screwerk made availability its business model through industrial digitisation(...) via Screwerk: Availability for screws 2.0. [Read More]

pgb-Europe: Responding to demand | Torque-Expo

Pgb‐Europe is a good example of how an efficient supply chain develops into a sales argument. The specialist in fasteners and fixings is armed with a robotised pallet warehouse and a new ERP and WMS system for the future.(...) via pgb-Europe: ... [Read More]