Media Blog Audio Video

Fasteners Is Imperative Export Prices Are Still A Huge Space – Fasteners, Export, High-strength | Import and Export Business Talk

Industry believes that, as raw materials, iron ore, freight and other costs continue upward, the wire rod, wire rod price adjustment are not fully reflect the cost price, the main test of the competitiveness of enterprises downstream of fasteners, ... [Read More]

Threaded Fastener Technologies for Thin Metal Appliance Assemblies | Appliance Design Magazine

Every decision involving fastening and joining can impact the early stages of appliance design, affect the assembly process down the line, and influence the integrity and performance of appliances in service.(...) via Threaded Fastener Technolo... [Read More]

American Fastener Journal November – December 2014

You can find the Nov - Dec 2014 Afj following the link below. American Fastener Journal [Read More]
2015/01/04 – What’s ahead for 2015?

I got my January 2, 2015 edition of The Kiplinger Letter just a day ago. It included ten forecasts for 2015. The first one was very upbeat as it read “the economy will finally hit stride racking up solid 3% growth for the year. Look for consumer ... [Read More]

▶ SFS Isoweld – YouTube

Le nouveau système isoweldTM de SFS intec est révolutionnaire, un système de fixation en pleins champs nonpénétrant pour toitures plates. Tout comme les systèmes éprouvés isofast® et isotak®, isoweldTM offre lui aussi, une méthode de ... [Read More]

Report: SF Bay Bridge fasteners not in danger of failing | News – KCRA Home

SAN FRANCISCO —Authorities say thousands of rods and bolts on the new Bay Bridge eastern span are secure and should remain in place. KCRA's Hearst Content partner, the San Francisco Chronicle, reports a bridge oversight committee will ... [Read More]

Fastener World Inc. | 300 Million Years Old Screw Found in Russia

In the summer of 1998, Russian scientists who were investigating an area 300 th km southwest of Moscow on the remains of a meteorite, discovered a piece of rock which enclosed an iron screw. Geologists estimate that the age of the rock is ... [Read More]

Fastener Technology International – December 2014/January 2015 Digital Edition

The December 2014/January 2015 Fastener Technology International Magazine's Digital Edition is now AVAILABLE! via Fastener Technology International - International technical magazine for manufacturers, distributors and users of all types of ... [Read More]

Diffusion mondiale du film d’animation « FASTENING DAYS » de YKK | SYS-CON MEDIA

YKK Corporation (Siège social : Tokyo Chiyoda-ku Kanda Izumi-cho 1, « YKK ») a produit un court-métrage d’animation intitulé « FASTENING DAYS, » en vue d’accroître la reconnaissance de la marque et des produits d’attache YKK®. Le ... [Read More]

Black Friday Blues –

November 28, 2014 / travelingsalesman /I cannot think of anything more dreadful than going shopping on Black Friday.  I am entirely fine with those people who enjoy it.  I know for some families it is a day to shop with a sister or a good friend, ... [Read More]