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CFD 2015 is Now Available | Chinafastener .info

The latest China Fastener Directory 2015 (CFD 2015) is now available online! Download the latest CFD 2015 Now! China Fastener Directory, the first all-English directory for China fastener industry in Mainland China, was first launched in ... [Read More]

▶ Salon Terre d’Industrie 2014 – Interview du directeur de l’usine LISI AUTOMOTIVE Mélisey – YouTube

LISI AUTOMOTIVE a participé au salon Terre d'Industrie 2014 à Vesoul (70), le 8 et 9 Octobre 2014. Cette première édition fût l’occasion pour les industriels Haut-Saônois de se connaître, mais également d’exposer et partager leurs ... [Read More]

Download the latest Digital Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Fastener + Fixing Magazine Issue 90 is now available online. Here are just some of the features and reports: Maximising precision and productivity Will Lowry visited Growermetal Srl, headquartered in Calco (LC), Italy, to learn more about the ... [Read More]

Fully Threaded Radio – Voice of the FCH Fastener Sourcing Network | Episode #88 – What Were the Odds? (134:31)

Date: November 13, 2014 By: Fully Threaded Description: Unlike winning at slots, or in the podcasting game, fast-paced fastener talk radio is no long shot as Mark Klosek and Dave Kjanek, of the Vertex Distribution team, describe the current ... [Read More]

Vegas by the Numbers –

I’m gathering up all the things I need to take to the STAFDA show which begins Sunday evening.  I have not been to the STAFDA show for a few years and I am looking forward to it.  At the Vegas Fastener Show, I pretty much know what I am getting ... [Read More]

Planning for 2015 – confessions of a tortured mess –

I had a conversation today with Don Shan of Solution Industries today. It made me feel kind of good because he is as much of a tortured mess as I am. We were discussing our schedules since we have returned from the Vegas Show and we both admitted ... [Read More]

Are Today’s Fasteners Using Yesterday’s Procedures? | Nawindpower

Although the International Organization for Standardization and American National Standards Institute are among the organizations that create codes, standards and certification programs to ensure the quality and safety of manufactured products, ... [Read More]

FTI – Structural Bolting Seminar –

Finally got an opportunity to sit in on one of the Fastener Training Institute’s webinars on October 31. It was the Structural Bolting Seminar conducted by Carmen Vertullo. I have had the pleasure of attending other classes conducted by Carmen and ... [Read More]

Vegas Show 2014 –

The Vegas show was again very active this year. Some exhibitors told me that their booths were extremely busy, possibly the best show they ever had. A few said they thought the show was not as busy. I guess it depends on your booth and possibly if ... [Read More]

Interview de M.Moutardier de Renault par ARaymond – YouTube

Ajoutée le 21 oct. 2014 ARaymond et son département Bonding Solutions sont partenaires innovation dans le cadre du développement d'Eolab, véhicule démonstrateur signé Renault et qui préfigure le véhicule de demain. Quelles exigences sont ... [Read More]