Media Blog Audio Video

Benefits of Using Metric Fasteners Over Imperial | American Fastener Journal

The debate over whether to use imperial or metric fasteners has been going on for well over a century. During that time, metric has consistently won out over imperial, even in the country that was responsible for creating the imperial system. To ... [Read More]

Sheriff, there’s a new blog in town! – Fastenerblog .net

The ladies from Hudson Fastener are at it again!  Hudson Fastener, arguably the most active fastener Twitter people in the industry, have launched a new blog, and it aims to bring you all the fastener news that is out there to one site – www.Fa... [Read More]

The Fastener Educational & Training Posters adds Independent Fastener Reps across the United States | American Fastener Journal

The Fastener Educational & Training Posters project continues to grow on a daily bases. Mike McGuire, developer of the posters is adding Independent Fastener Reps across the country to demonstrate the posters and to describe how customers are ... [Read More]

The Pedagogical Power of Fastener Posters! | American Fastener Journal

The set of 48 laminated Fastener Posters were designed to be educative and to communicate content directly to the person reviewing them to increase their fastener knowledge. A mix of eye-catching figures, text and drawings are used to convey the ... [Read More]

Fastener News Desk Launches Blog! | Press Release

Youngstown, OH. 7/23/14: This week Fastener News, branch of Hudson Fasteners, Inc., is launching a new blog - Fastener News Desk. will aggregate, support, and promote all news related to the fastener industry. We cover fastene... [Read More]

Fastener News Desk Launches Blog | American Fastener Journal Fastener News Expanding Online Presence with Blog This week Fastener News, branch of Hudson Fasteners, Inc., is launching a new blog - Fastener News Desk. will aggregate, support, and promote all news ... [Read More]

The Fastener Market in Russia | Book Reports

An Overview - January 2012Russia is the largest country in the world and continues to play an important role in the global economy and as a participant in major global economic fora.The market demand for fasteners continues to be strong, despite the ... [Read More]

The Fastener Market in India 2013 – An Overview | Book Reports

This newly and extensively revised overview of the Indian fastener market looks incisively at the economic and business factors most likely to influence fastener demand in India in the coming five years. India continues to offer extraordinary longer ... [Read More]

Download the latest Digital Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Fastener + Fixing Magazine Issue 88 is now available online.Here are just some of the features and reports:MEKR’S – taking stockAn exclusive interview with Mr Jan Melichar, owner of MEKR’S s.r.o, in which Mr Melichar talks about how the Czech ... [Read More]

Episode #84 – Fully Breaded (101:36) | Fully Threaded Radio

Download the MP3 Date: July 14, 2014 By: Fully Threaded Description: During a virtual shore lunch of fastener industry news and information, Jay Queenin and Kelly Cole, of Specialty Bolt & Screw, explain their new partnership and plans ... [Read More]