
Das Haus der Zukunft ist ein Leichtgewicht – DIE WELT

Künftig müssen Häuser radikal anders gebaut werden. Davon ist Architekt und Bauingenieur Werner Sobek fest überzeugt. "Es geht darum, mehr mit einem Weniger an Material zu bauen. Leichtbau ist das Gebot der Stunde", sagt der Architekt. Nach ... [Read More]

ARIMS Mobile on the App Store -itunes

ARIMS Mobile provides an overview of your Bossard logistics system. The app enables Bossard customers to look at their article information, stock information, and delivery information via ARIMS Mobile on the App Store. [Read More]

“Graphene Anti-Corrosion Coating and Method of Application Thereof” in Patent Application Approval Process (USPTO 20160053398) – 4traders

By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Politics & Government Week -- A patent application by the inventors Kurtz, Russell (Palos Verdes Estates, CA); Bennahmias, Mark (Ladera Ranch, CA), filed on August 20, 2015, was made available online on ... [Read More]

Schöne bunte Schraubenwelt – EJOT Baubefestigungen GmbH – Pressemitteilung – pressebox

Im industriellen Leichtbau werden Gebäude schon lange nicht mehr als reine Zweckbauten errichtet. Immer mehr Bauherren entscheiden sich für eine architektonisch anspruchsvolle Formgebung ihrer Produktionsstätten, Verkaufshallen oder Hochregalla... [Read More]

LaPorteCountyLife.com | Manufacturer of Metal Building Components Expands in Michigan City

Central States Manufacturing, Inc., a manufacturer of metal building components, plans to expand its production capability by adding $1.8 million worth of new equipment at their Michigan City, Indiana location. Founded in 1988, Central States ... [Read More]

Fit-for-Life Connections | Fittings & Couplings content from Hydraulics & Pneumatics

Easy-to-assemble four-bolt flanges form reliable connections at high pressures in modern hydraulic systems—particularly on larger sizes—but they’re not fool-proof. via Fit-for-Life Connections | Fittings & Couplings content from ... [Read More]

Fastenal Posts Soft February Sales, Fasteners Sales Slump – March 7, 2016 – Zacks.com

Fastenal Company (FAST - Analyst Report) has released disappointing sales figures for the month of February, as the company continued to report weakness in the industrial fasteners business. February net sales increased 7.7% year over year to ... [Read More]

Lawson Products Acquires MI Fastener Distributor Perfect Products – inddist

No. 39 on Industrial Distribution's 2015 Big 50 List – a distributor of products and services to the MRO marketplace, today announced the acquisition of Perfect Products Company of Michigan. The transaction closed on March 7, with terms not ... [Read More]

Tacoma Screw Products Inc. opens new store in Billings | Billings News | billingsgazette.com

The new Tacoma Screw Products Inc. store in Billings carries more than 45,000 products, including a vast assortment of fasteners in all shapes and sizes. To illustrate the range of products in inventory, store manager Glenn Clark reached onto a ... [Read More]

Using Firefighting Skills to Promote Safety at Work | Emergency Response ehstoday

It's still dark when a red Dodge truck turns into the parking lot of Modern Fasteners, its headlights and a handful of streetlights the only illumination of the industrial driveway in Brook Park, Ohio. via Using Firefighting Skills to Promote ... [Read More]