
Composite panel production for automotive applications | JEC Composites

The application of lightweighting composite materials for high-powered supercars and competition class cars with their inherent benefits in performance and form is well established. More recently the need to reduce CO2 emissions, improve fuel ... [Read More]

Brighton-Best International- News / Industry Update

Brighton-Best has recently been approved by the Miami Dade County for its “ULTRAWEDGE” wedge anchor. The NOA # is: 14-0902.09. The Proferred U.S. Anchor UltraWedge is approved to comply with the Florida building Code, including High Velocity ... [Read More]

Hi-Tech Fasteners of Canada acquires Wesco Aircraft biz – Electronic Products & Technology

“We are very excited about the opportunity to further expand our presence throughout Canada,” says Tom Waller, president, Hi-Tech Fasteners. “The added personnel, resources and experience this acquisition brings will enable us to do an even ... [Read More]

Joining solutions moving fast – eureka

Joining materials in safety critical applications should not be underestimated. A fastener that costs a tiny fraction of the total bill of materials could have catastrophic, and expensive consequences if it should fail. It is vital to the integrity ... [Read More]

Fenster, Türen, Glas, Wintergärten, finden Sie bei fensterplatz.de

Moderne architektonische Konzepte setzen auf optisch ansprechende Fassaden mit bodentiefen Elementen ohne Mauerbrüstung und große Fenster. Durch ihren hohen Glasanteil sorgen sie für helle, lichtdurchflutete Räume. Beim Thema Fensterbefestigung ... [Read More]

Volvo : The winners of the Volvo Group Purchasing Supplier Awards 2016 | 4-Traders

Volvo Group is recognizing the 11 winning companies receiving the Volvo Group Purchasing Supplier Award for their commitment to performance excellence and continuous improvement. (...) via Volvo : The winners of the Volvo Group Purchasing ... [Read More]

Falcon Fastening names director of sales – Industrial Supply Magazine

Falcon Fastening Solutions appointed Charles Debbout as the director of sales. “We are excited about Charles leading our business development efforts,” said Giovanni Cespedes, vice president of Falcon Fastening Solutions. via Falcon ... [Read More]

Robotics Industry Insights – Aerospace Manufacturing on board with robots

Since the Wright Brothers’ first flight in 1903, to the SpaceX launch and land in 2015, aerospace has shot high. Lucky for us. Because the original biplanes were basically big kites, made from wood, wire and linen literally stitched together by ... [Read More]

Songnam Fasteners Enter the World Market — Vietnam Breaking News

The person who has built Songnam Company is young Pham Trung Hieu, who did not major in mechanics but studied business administration at the Foreign Trade University. With his curiosity and creativity, in 2004, Hieu opened a workshop producing ... [Read More]

Ambitions d’entrepreneurs – ARaymond en replay et en streaming – emissionreplay

Focus sur la réussite d'une entreprise qui marche dans l'Hexagone ou à l'étranger. via Ambitions d'entrepreneurs - ARaymond en replay et en streaming. [Read More]