
Fastener Industry Upgrades to Retain Leading Position – Taiwan Business TOPICS

Taiwan, long among the top exporting countries, is developing its capability for higher-value products for the auto and aerospace sectors. Nuts, bolts, screws….They may just be small pieces of metal, but collectively they add up to big business ... [Read More]

Trafilerie e filiera trainate dal boom dell’automotive | SIDEX srl

Il recupero dell’automotive (ma non solo) traina la filiera italiana dell’acciaio dedicata alla componentistica, ma la pressione competitiva e la debole specializzazione del comparto restano delle minacce che rischiano di pregiudicare la ... [Read More]

Best Professional Supplier Award: Vier Sieger feiern ihren Erfolg – Deutsche Messe AG – Hannover – Pressemitteilung

Kategorie „Komponenten & Baugruppen“: LISI-Automotive KKP GmbH & Co. KG, Mellrichstadt Kategorie „Systeme & Lösungen“: Spheros Europa GmbH, Gilching Kategorie „Technologien, Engineering & Services“: Fritz Kübler GmbH, ... [Read More]

Bravo! Diplomatic success, long tenure and more – The Orange County Register

Santiago Canyon College’s Model United Nations team won nine awards at the National Model United Nations Conference held recently in Washington, D.C. Model UN is meant to simulate the United Nations’ General Assembly and Security Council, ... [Read More]

Latest Fastener Industry Analysis Research Report 2015 for Worldwide Market | Beforeitsnews

Fastener Industry Report – Global and Chinese Market Scenario provide a detailed business insight on the trends of Global and Chinese market. The report initially focuses on the existing technologies being used in the production of Fastener, the ... [Read More]

QBM joins sister company SFS intec in newly refurbished premises | Roofing Cladding & Insulation Magazine (RCI)

QBM, the manufacturer of Soter Horizontal Safety Line Systems and the Titan Tri-Bar Space Bar System, has recently moved from its previous location in Batley, West Yorkshire to central Leeds. The aim of the relocation has been to allow QBM to ... [Read More]

Elgin Fastener Group Names New VP Of Sales & Marketing – Inddist

Elgin Fastener Group has announced the recent transition of Pete Chojnacki to the position of Vice President of Sales & Marketing. In his new role, Chojnacki will contribute significantly to the company’s ongoing plans for growth and ... [Read More]

Boeing begins careful launch of first robot assembly on Everett 777 line – Puget Sound Business Journal

Since September, Boeing (NYSE: BA) workers have been drilling and fastening some fuselages using what the company calls the Fuselage Automated Upright Build system, or FAUB, Boeing spokeswoman Elizabeth Fischtziur confirmed Tuesday. (...) ... [Read More]

VIDEO: Could Tape Replace Conventional Fastening Techniques? > ENGINEERING.com

Duct tape has a running gag of being the miracle fix-it tool, but with a fail point of around 30 psi, it doesn’t quite hold up to its industrial cousin – 3M VHB (Very High Bond) tape. (...) via VIDEO: Could Tape Replace Conventional Fasten... [Read More]

Industrialists accuse tax dept of delaying VAT refunds | Ludhiana NYOOOZ

As a result, huge amounts of our VAT refunds are stuck with the department. Non-payment of interest on our pending refunds - even after there is a clear-cut rule for the same - is like adding insult to injury. If the government can penalize indust... [Read More]