Cloud ERP Helps Company Track Inventory, Increase Sales – netsuite, Applications | Customer Relationship Management (CRM), applications, cloud CRM, enterprise resource planning, software, ecommerce, cloud ERP, Gap – CIO

Article by · 2013/09/09 ·

FMW Fasteners, a distributor of down-to-earth items such as nuts and bolts, now sees its future in the cloud.

The Houston-based company grew up much like its fastener industry peers, running its business systems in-house and selling through inside and outside sales reps. FMW, however, has evolved to a new model: Running its operations in the cloud. The company deployed NetSuite enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, along with the cloud vendor’s customer relationship management (CRM) and ecommerce offerings. (…)

via Cloud ERP Helps Company Track Inventory, Increase Sales – netsuite, Applications | Customer Relationship Management (CRM), applications, cloud CRM, enterprise resource planning, software, ecommerce, cloud ERP, Gap – CIO.