Dry tack-free polyurethane adhesive, a ARaymond™ bonding technology | Araymond

Article by · 2015/02/23 ·


The innovative ARaymond™ bonding solution has played anintegral role in the development of Renault’s latest concept car, the EOLAB.

The vehicle, which was unveiled at the Paris Motor Show, has been built to test and refine cutting-edge technologies and manufacturing methods that will be used to design and build future production models.

The main objective of the EOLAB is to deliver ultra-low fuel consumption – as little as 1 litre per 100km, equivalent to 22g of CO2 per km. Besides aerodynamics and hybrid technology, this has been achieved by constructing the demonstrator out of light weight materials, including carbon-fiber composites (for the floor panels) and magnesium (for the firewall).(…)

via Dry tack-free polyurethane adhesive, a ARaymond™ bonding technology.