EFDA President Dr. Volker Lederer’s Response to the EC’s Decision to Repeal AD Duties on Certain Iron & Steel Fasteners Originating in China | Fastener World

Article by · 2016/03/24 ·
“EFDA objected to the imposition of anti-dumping measures on the import of iron and steel fasteners from China in 2009, and to the corrective measures in 2012, criticizing, above all, the lack of transparency of the anti-dumping investigation. Our sector has unfairly suffered from the inappropriately high anti-dumping duties of 74 percent, which have distorted the fastener market radically and unnecessarily. In fact, imports of products from China almost disappeared on the Union market after the imposition of the original measures. It has been hard for European fastener importers to cope with the measures in force and our sector has worked hard to adapt to the distortion on the fastener market. – See more at: http://www.fastener-world.com.tw/new/news_detail.php?id=4601#sthash.o06RSuTR.dpuf

