Japanese Top-notch Fastener Counting Machines Maker Koshinsha Co., ltd. | Fastener World Inc.

Article by · 2017/09/15 ·

Koshinsha has turned 40 years old. It started as a factory automation machine distributor until someday it got an R&D order from a Japanese giant and started making machine controllers. Later, it gave birth to what is now widely known as “Digital Area Counters” to solve the problems of fastener clients suffering the inevitable miscount of traditional “sensor-type counters”. Furthermore, it also develops “environment improvement machines” such as dust sensors in response to carmakers request, as well as distributes coolers/heaters. It even has a foothold in the food industry, because surprisingly its Digital Area Counters are used to count food materials, frozen foods and even plant seeds besides fasteners. This proves Digital Area Counters can count many types of products with complex shapes. At this point, you must be curious what is so accurate and versatile about Digital Area Counters.

via Japanese Top-notch Fastener Counting Machines Maker Koshinsha Co., ltd. | Fastener World Inc.