Pacific West Fastener Association | Pac-west

Article by · 2014/10/12 ·

What You Will Learn In This Webinar


Sales reviews are not just about numbers. Sales reviews are rich with opportunities to develop your sales team, identify future leadership and address bad behavior. Good reviews are more than just hitting your numbers and bad reviews are more complex than not making your numbers. What if you have a salesperson exceeding his numbers and making the rest of the team miserable? What do you do? Learn how to optimize your sales reviews use reviews as a professional development and sales strategy tool.


About The Presenter


Ann marie Houghtailng is the CEO and founder of the Millionaire Girls’ Movement, an online platform that produces actionable, community driven content that empowers women to earn their worth and own their future. Houghtailing is a writer, speaker, advocate and leader dedicated to teaching women to negotiate their worth, reach their earning potential, and enjoy financial freedom. Houghtailing firmly believes that when women advance they change the future for their families, communities, and the world.

via Pacific West Fastener Association | Pac-west