Reprise de la SAS RABOURDIN par ACI GROUP | LesEchos

La SAS RABOURDIN, dont l’activité a été créée en 1926, fabrique et distribue des éléments de découpe et d’emboutissage, des moules et d’outillages ainsi que de la visserie pour l’industrie automobile, aéronautique et de la défense. ... [Read More]

Canada Starts Review on Steel Fasteners Imports from Taiwan

The Canada Border Services Agency has initiated a normal value review to update the normal values and export prices applicable to carbon steel fasteners originating in or exported from the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and ... [Read More]

Kohlhage Gmbh unites four divisions under one umbrella | Torque-Expo

As many industries emerge from the global Covid-19 lockdown, Torque Magazine’s Liberty Sheldon visited Kohlhage Gmbh at its base in Neuenrade to discuss how the family company has united four divisions under one Kohlhage umbrella… via Kohlhage ... [Read More]

Taiwan CSC: Steel Market Turns up with Uptick Foreseeable Through Q1 2021 – Fastener World Inc.

Taiwan CSC president said in a TIFI meeting that Taiwanese fastener export now sees a sign of a turnaround, but that the industry has to work harder on export of aerospace fasteners which remains under challenge.(...) via Taiwan CSC: Steel Market ... [Read More]

Being the end-to-end solution provider for fastener distributors | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

The challenge for fastener industry wholesalers is to make a value proposition that distributors want to buy into and more importantly one that provides the margin development they are all looking for.(...) via Being the end-to-end solution ... [Read More]

Thielco: Innovation anchored in tradition | Fastener + Fixing Technology

From being one of the first European companies to deploy mechanical zinc plating, surface treatment specialist Thielco Staalindustrie B.V has always looked to lead the way for its customers. Now, celebrating its 70th anniversary, the company is once ... [Read More]

Matten: Rare Synchronicity & Chemistry Built Fastener Fair | Global Fastener News

EDITOR’S NOTE: Our COVID-19 coverage is now free to the fastener industry. “There are two powerful things in business that really cannot be engineered: Synchronicity and chemistry,” Phil Matten reflected on his fastener career as he retires ... [Read More]

Seeing the world through other people’s eyes | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

I’ve joked that when I ‘retired’ I could write all the stories I didn’t dare write while I was editor. Fear not. I leave the magazine shortly, in the best of hands, but will remain active in the fastener industry for a while yet – so it ... [Read More]
2020/10/18 | 10 Minutes with Rob Lehmann, Fair Wind Fasteners

TS: It is pretty unusual these days to have a new fastener company opening up. On the contrary, we seem to see more consolidation and companies disappearing. So, it is kind of inspiring to see you jump in to this new endeavor. Why did you start up ... [Read More]

Usine ITW Rivex : une « relocalisation » à 22 M€ | L’Est Républicain

L’entreprise, spécialisée dans les éléments de fixation pour l’industrie automobile, a prévu de déménager tout en restant à Ornans . La nouvelle usine devrait être érigée en face de l’entreprise Guillin : une relocalisation qui va ... [Read More]