Würth Industry signs new agreement with DSM for distribution | Torque-Expo

Würth Industry North America (WINA) has announced the signing of a new national agreement with DSM to distribute the company’s 3D printing materials for stereolithography and fused filament fabrication.(...) via Würth Industry signs new ... [Read More]

International Fastener Expo to host online show this November | Fastener Engineering

In a typical year, 5,000-plus attendees from more than 30 countries visit the International Fastener Expo (IFE) in Las Vegas, Nevada, to network and find new products and suppliers. IFE is the largest industrial, fastener, specialty fastener, ... [Read More]

Facing the ‘new normal’ | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Up until the beginning of 2020, Carlo Salvi SpA was focused on its effort to strengthen its global sales network, as well as continuing to benefit from its partnership with Hatebur. The company was poised and ready to launch its latest technology at ... [Read More]

SFS confirms upturn in business activity | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

SFS Group has reported that business has picked up in the ongoing third quarter compared to its second quarter levels – amid the persisting volatile economic environment due to the Covid-19 pandemic.(...) via SFS confirms upturn in business ... [Read More]

New innovation for lockbolts | Fastener + Fixing Technology

Star Fasteners has developed a clever colour changing indicator that visually verifies if its lockbolts have been installed correctly.(...) via New innovation for lockbolts | Fastener + Fixing Technology. [Read More]

Bolt tightening and external loads | Fastener + Fixing Technology

Some bolts are deliberately tightened past their yield point. Why don't they further yield when an external load is subsequently applied to the joint and come loose?(...) via Bolt tightening and external loads | Fastener + Fixing Technology. [Read More]

Fastening technology building bridges within light steel framing – Building Products

EJOT UK’s decision to join the Light Steel Framing Association (LSFA) will help unlock the potential for greater development and application of rapidly emerging technology given its cross-sector experience in fastening systems and its engineering ... [Read More]

La direction de Lisi-Aerospace annonce la suppression de 197 emplois | Le Républicain

Cette nouvelle a été annoncée par la direction au CSE (Comité social et économique) , instance représentative du personnel, au cours d’une réunion ce jeudi 24 septembre 2020.(...) via Lot-et-Garonne. La direction de Lisi-Aerospace annonce ... [Read More]

Brian Deluce retires from JCP after 40 years in the industry | Torque-Expo

Brian Deluce, JCP’s Technical Manager is retiring after nearly two decades with the company and 40 years in the industry. Deluce joined JCP from Ramset Fasteners just six months after its launch in 2001 and has been incremental in developing the ... [Read More]

All-Pro Fasteners releases white paper on minimizing fastener corrosion | Fastener Engineering

Each year, the effects of corrosion take a staggering toll on the global economy – the equivalent of 3.4% of global GDP.(...) via All-Pro Fasteners releases white paper on minimizing fastener corrosion | Fastener Engineering. [Read More]