Orbitform Acquires C&B Machinery | Global Fastener News

Brighton, MI-based C & B Machinery will operate as a separate entity with its own staff and facility.(...) via Orbitform Acquires C&B Machinery | Global Fastener News. [Read More]

NAFCO Awaiting a Ray of Light in the Midst of Short Demand for Aerospace Components – Fastener World Inc.

The pandemic has landed a strike on the aerospace industry. Aircraft makers Boeing and Airbus have a full stock of planes and can only reduce production to cope with the shortage of demand. Fewer flights mean reduced demand for aerospace components, ... [Read More]

Lisi : l’usine de Delle éligible à un fonds de modernisation – Le Trois

L’usine Lisi automotive former de Delle, qui appartient à la division Lisi Automotive du groupe Lisi, dont le siège est à Grandvillars, est lauréate d’un fonds de modernisation automobile. Une enveloppe qui permet d’accompagner le dével... [Read More]

Advanced technology for plastics staking and swaging | Fastener Engineering

Plastic swaging and staking technology is a widely used, low-cost method for connecting or “capturing” components made of many materials to plastic-based parts. Typical staking and swaging processes include heat staking, thermal insertion, or ... [Read More]

IFE Announces a Digital Version Of Traditional Las Vegas Trade Show | Global Fastener News

The International Fastener Expo will conduct a digital event to substitute for the pandemic-canceled 2020 trade show.(...) via IFE Announces a Digital Version Of Traditional Las Vegas Trade Show | Global Fastener News. [Read More]

Bolts & Nuts Becomes Stock’d Supply | Global Fastener News

Rebranding follows several recent acquisitions, investment in technology, and an expanded products and services offering.(...) via Bolts & Nuts Becomes Stock’d Supply | Global Fastener News. [Read More]

Issue: #125 September 2020 | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

A poem by Walt Whitman, ‘O Captain! My Captain!’ was famously referenced in the film Dead Poet’s Society, when students stood on their desks in honour of their teacher Mr Keating, played by Robin Williams, when he left the school. With that ... [Read More]

Fastener Sector Grappling With Alloy Steel Shortage | Financial Tribune

The shortage and skyrocketing prices of alloy steel have scuttled over 70% of the domestic fastener sector’s production capacity, an industrialist says.(...) via Fastener Sector Grappling With Alloy Steel Shortage | Financial Tribune. [Read More]

CITT Continues Its Antidumping Duties Order on Certain Carbon Steel Screws from China and Taiwan – Fastener World Inc.

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal, pursuant to subsection 76.03(3) of the Special Import Measures Act, has conducted an expiry review of its order made on January 5, 2015, in Expiry Review No. RR-2014-001, continuing, with amendment, its ... [Read More]

Hai Kwang Enterprise Taps into Fastener Manufacture – Fastener World Inc.

Originally a rebar manufacturer in Taiwan, Hai Kwang Enterprise invests NDT 1.5 billion in equipment to tap into fastener manufacture in the midst of a growing steel market.(...) via Hai Kwang Enterprise Taps into Fastener Manufacture-Fastener ... [Read More]