Würth continues to grow | Würth

Article by · 2015/05/07 ·

-Increase in the operating result of 15.7 percent
-E-business grows by 21 percent
-Good start to the business year 2015 with 8 percent growth rate

Künzelsau. The Würth Group has had a good start to the business year 2015. The sales volume grew by 8 percent in the first four months of the year. Adjusted for exchange rate effects, the gain amounted to approximately 5 percent. The Würth Group thus continues the good development of the fourth quarter of 2014. “In 2014, the Würth Group grew by 3.9 percent to EUR 10.13 billion and showed an above-average increase in the operating result to EUR 515 million. It is a result we can be content with as we have been able to improve almost all vital controlling parameters”, Robert Friedmann, Chairman of the Central Managing Board of the Würth Group, commented on the business year 2014. The sales increase in local currency even came up to 4.8 percent. Many countries, above all in Southern Europe, saw economic conditions improve in 2014. Adjusted for exchange rates, North America showed an excellent growth of 8.6 percent. Once again, Würth had a highly successful year in its home market of Germany. While the German companies reported a sales gain of 4.2 percent as against the previous year, the sales volume attained abroad rose by 3.6 percent (currency-adjusted 5.3 percent). Germany recorded a total operating result of EUR 290 million (2013: EUR 226 million) and a sales share of 45 percent.(…)

via Press release.