Interview with CMCA Fastener Subdivision President Mr. Xue Kang Sheng | Fastener World Inc.

Article by · 2017/11/17 ·

1. As innovation and business transition continue to catch on in the market, what new features will the fastener industry present? The fastener industry, which is in the process of structural adjustment and business transition driven by innovation, will present some new features: (1) Innovation will drive and promote the strategic transition, upgrade and development of enterprises, (2) Intelligent manufacturing in the fastener industry is developing, (3) There is further progress in “IoT” application, (4)The fastener industry reinforcing green manufacturing, (5) Enterprises reinforcing their work on quality control, branding, etc. All these features help consolidate the base for steady growth of the industry.(…)

via Interview with CMCA Fastener Subdivision President Mr. Xue Kang Sheng | Fastener World Inc.