Benefited by the strong demand in the US and Europe as well as the stable price level and smooth supply of steel in the upstream, the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan reported on Nov. 5th that the production value of Taiwanese fastener industry in 2014 is likely to reach NT$90 billion and may touch the new peak after 2012, though the figure is still lower than the highest point in history (NT$95.3 billion in 2011). The production of Taiwanese fastener industry in 2011 reached the highest point of 1.376 million tons (at the value of NT$95.3 billion) and then continued to drop in the following 2 straight years. The production values of 2012 and 2013 were NT$85.6 billion and NT$85.1 billion respectively.(…)
via Fastener World Inc. (Fastener Magazine) – Overseas Sales Net.