Automakers Putting the Screws to Us | WardsAuto

Article by · 2017/05/26 ·

When I climb inside a new vehicle I want to be soothed not perturbed. But too often when I look up, I’m staring at some craggy fastener that never should be seen.

Guts. Innards. Entrails. Viscera.

All that stuff is gross. You don’t want to think about – much less look at – internal organs.

So you may understand where I’m coming from when I say I don’t want to see how the sausage, er, automobile is put together.

Some of my fellow Wards 10 Best Interiors judges say I’ve taken my nitpicking of vehicle interiors to a whole new level, but I just can’t stand visible overhead grab-handle screws or pins.(…)

via Automakers Putting the Screws to Us | 10 Best Interiors content from WardsAuto.