South Africa

Fastener inspections ensure safety on mines : Swagefast (Pty) Ltd. – EngNet South Africa

See on - Fastener news Fastener inspections are a critical part of maintenance on mines and should be regularly conducted by mine inspectors as joint failure could be catastrophic for mining operations, states fastening system solutions ... [Read More]

Xingyi Fastener Won a Victory on South Africa AD Investigation on China’s Fasteners | China Fastener .com

See on - Fastener newsBy CFM, 2012-11-29 15:08:37In 2011, South Africa started antidumping investigation on China’s fasteners, which was regarded as unfair trade competition by Lianyungang Xingyi Fastener Co., ... [Read More]

Distributor has dim view of fastener industry future | Engineering News

By: Gia Costella 22nd June 2012 Loyalty and quality have been replaced with price and delivery as the criteria for choosing a product in the “cut throat” local fasteners industry, asserts specialised fastener distributor UPL Group MD Richard ... [Read More]

Company plans to expand in South Africa, Africa | Engineering News

By: Gia Costella 22nd June 2012 More installers are becoming aware of fastener manufacturer Easyhold Fastener Systems’ products, enabling the company to increase production by 100% over the past two years, owner Clynton de Fin tells Engineer... [Read More]

Industry’s future dependent on full implementation of antidumping duties | Engineering News

By: Gia Costella22nd June 2012TEXT SIZEText Smaller Disabled Text Bigger The future of the fasteners industry depends heavily on the recent provisional antidumping duties being fully implemented, South African Fasteners Manufacturers Association ... [Read More]