
Lisi Automotive adapte son activité aux effectifs présents | L’Est Républicain

Certains salariés du site sont à l’arrêt pour cause de coronavirus. L’équipementier automobile maintient l’activité mais réduit le rythme de travail. Au sein du groupe, des mesures de fermeture temporaire sont envisagées.(...) via ... [Read More]

No big coronavirus impact on Travis Perkins trading so far | Torque-Expo

Placing the Wickes demerger on hold is among the measures Travis Perkins is implementing in the face of coronavirus.(...) via No big coronavirus impact on Travis Perkins trading so far. [Read More]

Tecfi continues work | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

In compliance with Italian government decrees (March 2020 and before), and with a sense of responsibility, Tecfi SpA has taken the difficult decision to leave its company and industrial plants open, in order to continue to guarantee national and ... [Read More]

How are things in Asia? Europe? –

I really do not have a good way to ask someone in Asia or Europe how things are going in their fastener workplaces.(...) via Fastenerblog.netHow are things in Asia? Europe? - [Read More]

Coronavirus: il gruppo Agrati sospende la produzione | Siderweb

Coronavirus: il gruppo Agrati sospende la produzione(...) via Coronavirus: il gruppo Agrati sospende la produzione | Siderweb - La community dell'acciaio. [Read More]

Coronavirus: Upiveb chiede normativa europea | Siderweb

Le società aderenti ad Upiveb (Unione Produttori Italiani Viteria e Bulloneria), che complessivamente hanno fatto registrare un fatturato che supera il miliardo e mezzo di euro e i 4.500 dipendenti diretti, «stanno pensando di chiudere i loro ... [Read More]

New machinery from Baudrand | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

French-based specialist in equipment for industrial production of metal wire and strip, Baudrand New Tech Europe, has a host of new machines it is introducing to the market.(...) via New machinery from Baudrand | Fastener + Fixing Magazine. [Read More]

Berardi’s integrated logistics systems | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Berardi Fasteners is able to offer integrated logistics systems, not only for the easy supply of components, but also as tailor-made projects designed to save customers time and resources.(...) via Berardi’s integrated logistics systems | ... [Read More]

UPIVEB makes announcement on Covid-19 | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

UPIVEB – the Association of Italian Fastener Manufacturers – has released an announcement on behalf of its members regarding the current emergency of Coronavirus Covid-19.(...) via UPIVEB makes announcement on Covid-19 | Fastener + Fixing ... [Read More]

Lesjöfors acquires Metrol Springs | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Lesjöfors AB has announced its acquisition of the shares in Metrol Springs Ltd – a manufacturer of tooling gas springs, special purpose gas springs, and gas struts, within the UK and other global markets.(...) via Lesjöfors acquires Metrol ... [Read More]