
Fastener Sales from China to Europe Grow 12.8% This July | Fastener World Inc.

This June China’s fastener sales to Europe slipped to 67,487 tons and the sales this July bounced back to 70,420 tons, up 4.3% from June (and up 12.8% from the same period last year).(...) via Fastener Sales from China to Europe Grow 12.8% This ... [Read More]

Kellner & Kunz AG expands with inconsoWMS | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Kellner & Kunz is going on the offensive with the expansion of its logistics centre in Wels, Austria. Together with the logistics software specialist inconso GmbH, the realisation phase for the 23,000m2 building extension has begun, by means of ... [Read More]

La bonne étoile – Le reflex industrie | L’usine Nouvelle

Son avenir est assuré. Ici, on fait cas des jeunes qui arrivent sur le marché du travail en les formant directement dans l’entreprise. Pour préparer l’avenir et son renouvellement de main-d’œuvre, Kamax s’est doté d’un centre de ... [Read More]

Klaus Fischer donates fixing technology to Notre-Dame | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Five months on from the major fire in the Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, the full extent of the damage is still uncertain. What is certain is that the restoration of the world famous Gothic landmark is pushing forward.(...) via Klaus Fischer ... [Read More]

Bülte’s slotted capstan screw DIN 404 | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Bülte’s range of screws has recently been extended with the ‘slotted capstan screw DIN 404’ range, which is composed of an enlarged cylindrical head, a straight slot on the top of the head and two radial holes on each side of the head.(...)... [Read More]

A unique skatepark assembled using HECO screws | Fastener + Fixing Magazine

Carpenter Andreas Schützenberger is a passionate skateboarder and his extraordinary expertise, coupling his hobby and his profession, makes him one of the most successful skatepark builders in Europe – through his company IOU-Ramps.(...) via A ... [Read More]

LISI : Information financière 3ème trimestre 2019 | Zone bourse

Le Groupe LISI a réalisé un chiffre d'affaires de 1,3 milliard d'euros sur les neuf premiers mois de 2019, en progression de + 6,3 % par rapport à 2018, avec + 5,7 % de croissance organique au troisième trimestre(...) via LISI : Information ... [Read More]

Bulten – Bulten’s Q3 report 2019

Positive development of order intake, earnings impacted by items affecting comparability and lower production rate. THIRD QUARTER Net sales amounted to SEK 718 (722) million, a decrease of -0.6% on the same period last year. Operating ... [Read More]

Clarendon Specialty Fasteners wins trade award | Fastener + Fixing Technology

Clarendon Specialty Fasteners has been awarded with a prestigious Queen’s Award for Enterprise. Clarendon is a market leading supplier of fasteners, components and hardware for the aerospace, defence, industrial and motorsport sectors with three ... [Read More]

Visitor numbers jump 40% for Hardware Forum Italy | Torque-Expo

Milan-set Hardware Forum Italy, now in its fifth year, saw higher number of visitors file through the doors at Mi.Co Fieramilanocity.(...) via Visitor numbers jump 40% for Hardware Forum Italy. [Read More]