Media Blog Audio Video

Fully Threaded Radio – Episode #94 – The Show Goes On

Date: June 18, 2015 By: Fully Threaded Description: FastenerTech '15 was a huge success, and the NFDA made haste by holding its summer meeting concurrently in Rosemont, elevating its new leadership. Stelfast honcho, Don Haggerty announces a ... [Read More]

What do you want to see at Fastener Trade Shows? –

I just returned from Fastener Tech ’15 and, as I said before, it was a great event.  I tend to spend as much time on the trade floor as I can networking with customers and suppliers.  But a lot of people take time to go hear speakers or take ... [Read More]

Couple Fastener Sites Worth Visiting –

Periodically, I check out websites  from the fastener industry as well as others I stumble upon from things I read or Twitter or wherever.  I’d like to point out a couple of fastener industry sites I found interesting.  First, the website ... [Read More]

Un boulon tombé du ciel traverse le capot d’un véhicule – France 3 Midi-Pyrénées

Vendredi, une automobiliste qui roulait sur la rocade extérieure toulousaine a été surprise par l'impact d'un objet métallique sur le capot de sa voiture. Après avoir ouvert ce capot, elle a découvert un boulon de 17 cm et de 275 grammes ... [Read More]

Fastener Tech ’15 A Great Success –

I do not know the final attendance figures but I have to think Fastener Tech ’15 was a great success for the Mid-West Fastener Association and their show partner, Fastener Tech International. The aisles were filled and their were plenty of ... [Read More]

Episode #93 – Legacy Employees | Fully Threaded Radio

 123:13Download the MP3Date: May 26, 2015By: Fully ThreadedDescription: Brian and Eric are feeling ever so vibrant and young as they welcome fastener industry veterans Frank Devito, of Solution Industries 14:19, and Marty Nolan of R. L. English ... [Read More]

Collectionneurs d’art | Reinhold Würth | ARTE

Le milliardaire industriel allemand Reinhold Würth possède la plus grande collection d’art privée d’Europe, constituée de centaines d’oeuvres de grands noms de l’art moderne et contemporain et exposée dans ses treize musées ... [Read More]

Packer Fastener brings world’s biggest nut to Green Bay | Green Bay Press Gazette

Packer Fastener added a new nut to its inventory Thursday morning. Just before 9 a.m., a crew from De Pere's Orde Sign and Graphics Inc. bolted the world's biggest hex nut into place on a concrete slab near the northeast corner of South Ashland ... [Read More]

NCFA Distributor Social –

May 16, 2015 / travelingsalesman / The North Coast Fastener Association just held its 7th Annual Distributor Social.  The day consisted of a tour of ND Industries, a “lunch and learn” session on Fastener Failures conducted by Element, a ... [Read More]

World’s Largest Nut? Guinness May Add Category – Global Fastener News – USA

MEDIA SPOTLIGHT – Packer Fastener & Supply Inc. commissioned a 3.5-ton, 10-foot tall hex nut for outside of its new Wisconsin headquarters, and the nut may be the world’s largest.Distributor Terry Albrecht said the Guinness Book of ... [Read More]