Fastener News Friday-Sunday – Digest – March 9-11, 2012
- How Many Fasteners In A Boeing 777? | Global Fastener News – USA
Alcoa praises Boeing employees on achieving the commercial aviation milestone of manufacturing the 1000th 777 aircraft.
The 777 has about 3 million parts provided by 500 suppliers, including Alcoa Fastening Systems.
Nearly one million fasteners, including internally and externally threaded, are used in each plane, bringing the total number of fasteners used in 777 production to approximately […]
- #fastlink Feedback | Fastenerblog .net
Posted by Traveling Salesman at 3/10/2012 3:39 PM
Here’s a quick post on our attempt to get fastener people involved in using Twitter. We posted a blog and sent out some Tweets asking Twitter users to use the hashtag #fastlink so we could try to get a feel for how many people in the fastener […]
- Le Cetim Et Le CTDEC Se Rapprochent | L’Usine Nouvelle #fastlink
Le Centre technique des industries mécaniques et le Centre technique de l’industrie du décolletage viennent d’officialiser un accord de partenariat destiné à mettre en commun des ressources de R&D et de marketing. Ce rapprochement est logique, mais une possible fusion n’est pas encore à l’ordre du jour. (…)
via Le Cetim et le CTDEC se rapprochent […]
- Schleifen Als Vierte Technologie Ins Haus Geholt | Industrie De | Tigges #fastlink
Das 1925 gegründete Familienunternehmen Tigges ist ein Spezial- hersteller von Verbindungselementen. Durch die Konzentration auf kundenindividuelle Lösungen hat sich die Tigges GmbH & Co. KG eine führende Position in diesem Segment erarbeitet. Um die eigene Fertigungstiefe weiter zu erhöhen, wurde unlängst eine Kellenberger Rundschleifmaschine beschafft.
Dass sich Tigges als Anbieter von Verbindungstechnik im harten Wettbewerb (…)
via […]
- ASTM International Fasteners Committee Elects Salim Brahimi As Chairman | Thomasnet #fastlink
March 9, 2012 – Salim Brahimi, president and principal engineer at IBECA Technologies Corp. in Montreal, Canada, has been elected chairman of ASTM International Committee F16 on Fasteners. A member of ASTM since 1997, Brahimi works on several F16 subcommittees and is vice chairman of F16.02 on Steel Bolts, Nuts, Rivets and Washers. Brahimi is […]
- Episode #41 – High Speed Fail (111:04) | Fully Threaded Radio
Date: March 8, 2012Description: Some view higher gas prices as a vehicle for societal change, while others seek faster ways to get to Des Moines. The fastener industry stays on track despite the profusion of unfortunate ideas, as it strives for success. Special guest, Mr. Robbie Gilchrist, of Capital Marketing, is a success story in […]
- #fastlink Friday |
If you are on Twitter, log in today and use the hashtag #fastlink. By the end of the day we will let you know how many Twitter users from the fastener industry were active in the Twitter community.
via #fastlink Friday.
- EU Launches AD Mid-term Review Investigation On China’s Steel Fasteners | Chinafastener .info #fastlink
The European Commission on 6 March announced that it decided to launch an AD mid-term review investigation on steel or iron fastener imports from China.
On 28 July 2011, the Dispute Settlement Body of the WTO (DSB) adopted the Appellate Body Report and the Panel Report as modified by the Appellate Body Report on the case‘European […]
- The Elite Of Taiwan’s Fastener Industry Gather In Kaohsiung… | MarketWatch #fastlink
TAIPEI, Taiwan, Mar 09, 2012 BUSINESS WIRE — The 2012 Taiwan International Fastener Show Expands to Unprecedented ScaleThe popular biennial exhibition event of Taiwan’s fastener industry, the “2012 Taiwan International Fastener Show” is set to officially kick off in Kaohsiung on March 13 and 14. This exhibition is organized by the Taiwan Industrial Fasteners Institute […]
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Daniel Rivalin
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