Jinding Fasteners North America | Jinding

Article by · 2012/08/13 ·

One Woman’s Perspective on Life and the Fastener Industry
Re-posted with permission.  This was previously published as a guest blog spot on the Traveling Salesman blog site http://fastenerblog.net/2012/07/12/guest-blog-from-a-wifi-member.aspx.

WIFI (Women in the Fastener Industry) Association Secrets Revealed!

One observation I remember making as a young athlete was that male coaches made girls cry, but female coaches did not.  The male coaches didn’t communicate any differently with boys than they did with girls.  When their constructive criticism was handed out, often in the form of yelling, boys appeared to take it in stride and girls cried.   What I was really learning at a young age is one of the fundamental differences between males and females.  We communicate and respond to communication differently.

Women put a high value on communication.  We have a deep need to talk about things.  Sometimes we talk as a way to get our heads around a concept or as a means to problem solve.  (If a woman ever tells you she’s “thinking out loud”, this is what she’s referring to.)

via Jinding Fasteners North America.