Keeping it Real # 3 — One Woman’s Perspecitve on Life and the Fastener Industry | Jinding Fasteners North America

Article by · 2012/04/10 ·

Things that make you go hmmmmm…..

Today being Good Friday I find myself in the mood to sit quietly and contemplate my role in the fastener industry. My role certainly has changed in the last year with the closure of Heads & Threads in May and the transition to working for Ningbo Jinding in June. Looking back, never once did I imagine I would be working for a Chinese fastener manufacturer and communicating with my boss through an interpreter. Heck, 15 years ago I was a teacher trying to figure out how to pay rent. Life is funny that way isn’t it? I was always taught that God answers prayers in 1 of 3 ways: Yes, No, and Later, but I have to believe there’s a #4. Yes AND…. I (…)

via Jinding Fasteners North America.