Manufacturing Industry Economist Cites 3 Reasons Why Economic Slowdown Is Temporary | American Fastener Journal

Article by · 2011/06/14 ·

Inflation Not a Threat, Japan Recovering, Cash LooseningA manufacturing industry economist says although the gloom and doom brigade has been out in force in recent weeks, and the markets reflect a new sense of impending doom, the slowdown is only temporary and not the start of another breakdown in the economy.

“Admittedly, some of this reaction is justifiable when one looks at the numbers released lately,” says Dr. Chris Kuehl, economic analyst for the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, Intl. FMA. “The housing market is still skidding, the consumer has retreated in the face of more inflation threats and the jobless rate has worsened. The manufacturing sector in particular seemed to lose its position as the engine of the recovery.”…

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