Mechanical Fasteners Or Endless Splicing: Part 2 | Manufacturing .net

Article by · 2013/07/17 ·

There are two major processes to choose from when splicing your conveyor belt: mechanical fasteners and endless splicing. Reviewing the available alternatives against the realities of your conveyor system will help you determine which type will serve your needs best.

Endlessing Options

There are two basic methods of endlessing light-duty belts. Belts with thermoplastic binders such as PVC, RMV (rubber modified vinyl), and urethanes lend themselves to endless fabrication because these materials flow together under heat and cool into a homogeneous mass. Fabricators typically install a “finger splice” into these belts, in which a dovetailing zigzag die-cut across both belt ends optimizes the edge-bonding area in between them. If belt thickness permits, a “finger-over-finger” technique also separates the belt ends into upper and lower layers, with their finger-cuts staggered so bonding occurs between layers, as well as, between fingers. (…)

via Mechanical Fasteners Or Endless Splicing: Part 2.