Prolongation of fastener protective measures | China Fastener .info

Article by · 2013/07/22 ·

In an interview with Metal Supply and Sales Magazine, general director of Prommetiz Association B.M. Yarantzev commented on the current protective measures against imported fasteners.

“The protective measure has been in force for 21 months now without any of the negative predictions coming true; while positive results are appearing. Introduction of the protective measure has encouraged investment in the fastener sector.”

“Unfortunately, the duration of the protective measure against imports of machine building fasteners is limited to three years and will be terminated in March 2014. If we succeed in prolonging the duration of the protective measure for 6 more years, then in 2020 Russia will have a modern competitive domestic production of machine building fasteners.” In his interview Yarantzev also identified current barriers in the way of intensive development of the hardware industry. (…)

via Prolongation of fastener protective measures.