SC Fastening Systems expects to grow in Macedonia |

Article by · 2012/11/08 ·

See on Scoop.itFastener news

November 7, 2012
by Jeff Saunders | Reporter

Macedonia — A look at SC Fastening Systems LLC’s website, specifically the “About Us” page, should tell anyone that the dozen or so employees like a good laugh.

Over each name and title is a photo, ostensibly of the employee, but among the “staff” is Tweety Bird, Wile E. Coyote, Mr. Magoo, and Mad Magazines Alfred E. Neuman, gap-toothed smile and all.

“We said, ‘Nobody wants to see our ugly mugs,'” said company co-owner and President Scott Filips, whose own image is that of comic actor Steve Carell. (…)

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