​GESIPA® AccuBird® Pro – as fast as air | Fastener + Fixing Technology

Article by · 2015/02/22 ·


More than twenty years ago, GESIPA® invented Accu-riveting technology. Now, at the beginning of 2015, the new AccuBird® Pro by GESIPA will be ready to replace the proven AccuBird®, which has been used for thousands of jobs by craftsmen on construction sites and in industry for two decades.

GESIPA® says that its construction and development team has not only succeeded in providing a modern, attractive and extremely functional design but also in revolutionising the proven and robust technology in such a way, as to enable the AccuBird® Pro to set rivets easily at a frequency that is up to four times higher than any other Accu-riveting tool on the market.(…)

via ​GESIPA® AccuBird® Pro – as fast as air.