Aint No Cure | Fastenerblog .net

Article by · 2012/07/22 ·

Posted by Traveling Salesman at 7/21/2012 9:30 PM

Categories: uncategorized

Summers can be challenging.  You take a vacation, a few other people you need to meet with take their vacation, and before you know it you need three weeks to get something done that might take a day or two normally.  I took a week long vacation in June, returned on a Sunday night and left for Chicago and the MWFA Table Top Show on Monday morning.The show was productive and I saw many business associates, but by the end of those two weeks I felt like I had been away for months.  So, for the next few weeks I attacked my territory like crazy trying to catch up on all the things I felt like I was ignoring the previous two weeks.  Its ridiculous but, while my logical side tells me I deserve a vacation, some other part of me says “yeah, but you have so many irons in the many things that you should be working on…and what about that area…when were you last over there to see that customer?”  I dont know if it is good old fashioned Catholic guilt or maybe, as Mike McNulty says, “I am still focused on fasteners”, but I always feel like there are productive things I should be working on.  Its the summertime fastener blues! (…)

via Aint No Cure.