Compete against yourself! | American Fastener Journal

Article by · 2012/10/09 ·


Posted Date: 10/01/2012

1935-1936 my dad worked as a page in the State of Ohio Capital Building in downtown Columbus with Jesse Owens ( four time Gold Medal winner in the 1936 Berlin Olympics) to earn money for college expenses. They formed a friendship that lasted throughout their live times. They spoke on the phone often or had a lunch or dinner when Jesse was in Columbus or dad was in Chicago.

Five decades ago I ran track (not very good at all) the 110 high hurdles and the 220 yard low hurdles on my Junior High School Track Team. One day my dad and Jesse came out to which practice and Jesse gave me some tips. He helped my with my start and few running fundamentals and then asked the question “Who do I compete against?” Well my first answer was, the guy next to me. NO! Second answer which I thought was correct for sure was “The Clock!” NO! Jesse then said “Compete against (…)

via American Fastener Journal.