Eat or be Eaten…but can we still offer just a bit of customer service?

Article by · 2014/02/22 ·

Posted by Traveling Salesman at 2/22/2014 5:31 PM

I really liked a recent response I received from one of my earlier posts.  It was sent in by Vincent Chiappone and I am re-posting here:

TS, The trend will continue, the industry, while unique, is not insulated from the realities of todays market. ALL companies today should be remembering a quote:
“In the animal kingdom, the rule is, eat or be eaten; in the human kingdom, define or be defined.” Thomas Szasz

Companies need to have a strategic business plan. If you’re in it, for the long haul, you must grow. Invest in e-commerce, human capital, succession planning, technology, tax incentives, grow organically, or save to buy lesser progressive companies ( not my recommendation.) If the company is a short term situation, build the valuation for acquisition and maximize your opportunity. The landscape has changed, if your company hasn’t changed, (…)

via Eat or be Eaten…but can we still offer just a bit of customer service?.