| Herstory with Lessons

Article by · 2014/06/20 ·

June 20, 2014
In her April blog posting, Cris Young of Hudson Fasteners asked for personal stories that women could share through the blog. Over the years, I have heard many fastener guys sharing stories that they told to make a point, or to teach or to brag.  These little “HIStories” always make me laugh. I am often awestruck at the human interest that is on display in these stories. But during the last four to five years, I have heard some pretty good “HERstories” as WIFI has encouraged fastener women to share their tales.

There are many stories from my years in the industry, but one in particular came to mind as I read Cris’ recent post. So here it goes . . .(…)

via | Herstory with Lessons.