Interesting article on texting vs. calling –

Article by · 2016/02/01 ·

I found the article below to be very interesting.  There are still a lot of people in our industry disgruntled with millennials and trying to figure out how to work with them.  I read this article to my wife, not a millennial, and she agreed with some things and disagreed with others.  She loves being able to text but said sometimes when she gets a text she feels obligated to respond immediately whereas on a phone call she feels more comfortable saying she’s busy and will call back.  She also said sometimes texting with our children is more burdensome and time consuming than if she just picked up the phone and quickly explained things.  Good or bad, right or wrong, agree or disagree…the article below is kind of insightful as to how one generation sees things versus another.


via Interesting article on texting vs. calling –