Manufacturing Day & the Fastener Industry –

Article by · 2016/07/07 ·

July 7, 2016 / travelingsalesman /
There will be a shortage of skilled employees in the future, especially in manufacturing.  This is fairly well predicted and documented.  Programmers, machinists, etc.  Many manufacturers in the fastener industry have expressed that they worry about being able to attract young people to come work in their factories.

The Fastener Industry Coalition (FIC) is hoping to not only promote MFG Day but they hope to bring attention specifically to the fastener industry on MFG Day.  The FIC is made up of fastener associations from coast to coast as well as several national fastener associations including IFI, NFDA, WIFI and YFP.  The FIC has set a goal of getting AT LEAST one fastener manufacturer from (…)

via Manufacturing Day & the Fastener Industry –