It’s Time to Develop the Market of Germany! China Fastener .com

Article by · 2016/11/21 ·

By , 2016-11-21 12:00:00Share to: Based on the statistics of, Germany is the second largest country of quantity of China’s fastener import products in September, 2016 totaling 4,631,804 kg with the average price of 9,378 US$/ton while it ranks the sixth of China’s fastener export products in September 2016, totaling 9,521,934 kg with the average price of 1,528 US$/ton. We could see that there are close trading relationship of fastener products between China and Germany. However, the average price of fastener products imported from Germany to China is much higher than the average price of fastener products exported from China to Germany. (…)

Germany fasteners import

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